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Dog Behavior

Your pets’ behavior, though sometimes confounding, is also a significant part of the joy you share with them. Sometimes, what seems like really odd behavior, is also hilarious. In most cases, there are reasons for what they do.

There are times when your dog’s behavior indicates something a little more serious. Certain behaviors indicate irritations, environmental or medical issues, or even personality traits.

Dogs, especially, are fascinating as so much of what they do seems to relate to us directly. At the very least, you could say that we have some impact on what they do, in so much as we are a part of their social lives. Even other inter animals relations like Maine Coons and dogs can bring about some quirky behaviors.

At any rate, we’ve come a long way toward understanding pups and pooches and what they do. So here’s a very useful summary of the most common dog behaviors and what to know about them.

Touchy Feely Dog Behavior

Who doesn’t love a pup that just wants to express warm, happy feelings toward you? A simple thing like when a dog puts his paw on you or nibbles on you can make your day even better. 

When a dog is really attached to you, it can do odd things like follow you into the bathroom – or even follow you everywhere! Sometimes dogs become so attached they will lay on your feet or even lay all over you, given an opportunity. That may be something to appreciate, especially if you notice that it routinely chooses to sleep on you instead of your husband.

Licky Puppies

Dogs absolutely love to lick things. As with all the touchy-feely stuff mentioned above, it often has to do with affection and simply loving the taste of you. Dogs will most often lick your hands as they’re most accessible. But they will also make the fair game of licking your ears or licking your face if they get half the chance.

Licking is an integral part of a dog’s life. Most often, a dog licks its lips when in the vicinity of food, for example. You may sometimes wonder why a dog licks its nose, though. You may be even more surprised to learn that the reasons can be varied, including nervous ticks, dehydration, or even dental problems.

Pay attention also when dogs lick their paws or chew on their feet. It may appear very cute, but excessive paw licking could indicate an injury or other problem.

Sleep and Downtime

When it comes to sleep time for doggos, there are plenty of interesting things to learn based on their behavior. Your dog’s sleeping positions can also reveal much about their mind and mood.

If you’re one of those owners (un)lucky enough to have a dog that insists on sleeping on you, you may want to find out why. Who knows, you may not be the dominant personality in the house, especially if your dog is also scratching their bed or peeing on your bed

And who wants a dog that snores all over you, especially if it happens to be a larger breed? (Isn’t it always?)

It may turn out even more alarming if your dreaming dog suddenly barks in its sleep. Dreaming dogs also tend to shake when they sleep. But there could be other reasons too, so make sure to observe them closely. Pay special attention if they seem to be crying in their sleep, as this might indicate discomfort or even sleep deprivation.

Dogs With Odd Habits

Some dog behavior can be described as a habit. These aren’t necessarily uncommon, though some of these habits may be strange or inappropriate for your particular context. For example, if your dog barks at night, it will not endear you to your neighbors. It would be best to find out why the pup is agitated.

Some dogs, especially those with floppy ears, seem to shake their heads often. This could be absolutely normal or pure maintenance. It could also indicate minor afflictions like ear mites or allergies, so check regularly if your pup is shaking incessantly.

On a less appetizing note, you may want to curb some behaviors, like a dog eating its own poop. This behavior isn’t necessarily unusual but could indicate a minor nutritional problem or bad socialization.

Similarly, dogs eating their vomit isn’t ideal (though far from abnormal). It’s best to remove the dog from the situation and investigate why the pup vomited in the first place.

Happy Fun Time Behaviors

Have you ever noticed how most dogs love sticks? That’s because they look and feel (and maybe taste) like bones. But sticks also have unexpected healthy lifestyle benefits for dogs.

A happy dog is also sometimes one that is sticking their tongue out, lolling and wiggling on their backs, or just rolling in the grass. But pay close attention; this behavior may also indicate a medical or environmental problem.

Strange or Potentially Worrisome Behaviors

Finally, a word on some head-scratching behavior to note and possibly act upon. As mentioned, sometimes dog behavior will indicate a negative situation or may require some action on your part. At the very least, getting to know these behaviors, such as why your dog is whining so much, can come in handy.

You may not be too happy if you’ve started wondering: “Why doesn’t my dog like me?” Chances are: they have their reasons. But it may also have a deeper cause related to personality or history. Similarly, if your dog is pacing or it’s panting and restless, there may be cause for concern on your part. 

Owners may also want to take note of how their dog acts around other dogs. For instance, the reason your dog drools around puppies could be because of stress or excitement. 

As they say, knowledge is power. The more you know, such as the reasons why your dog smells like fish, the better equipped you’ll be to help your pups through some tough times.

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