They say a dog with a wet nose is a happy dog. Anyone who has ever met a happy pooch knows that a pup’s excited nose licking means good feelings all around. So why do dogs lick their noses? In many cases, it’s a positive sign, but there are also those instances where you may …
Understanding Your Dog
Understanding Your Dog
What a dog owner would do to capture a glimpse into our canine’s mind’s complexities and inner workings is insurmountable. From a steady paw on your knee to your dog’s nibbling ways, your bubbly barking buddy’s behavior can sometimes leave you stumped.
Understanding your pawed partner is a great way to engage in a non-verbal conversation with your pets by placing meaning behind their silly or unique actions. This relates to both positive and negative behavioral cues from your pup.
When your furry friend is suffering in any way, placing the weight of their pain and discomfort on your own shoulders almost always happens. This is why monitoring your pet can be good practice for pinpointing any abnormalities in their behavior.
So, how can you get to know and understand our dog better? By gaining a deeper understanding of certain dog behaviors and signs, you’ll have a well-equipped toolbox to shed some light on identifying and potentially diagnosing their condition.
Dog Behaviors Explained | Things to Look Out for
Whether it is your dog rolling on its back or more concerning practices such as chewing on its feet to indicate an injury, pet behavior can often seem incomprehensible to the human eye. Here, you’ll find a quick and easy cheat sheet of common dog behaviors and the possible meanings behind each action.
Common Behavior
Dogs can have a tendency to possess a few quirky traits that’ll have you scratching your head. While strange behavior has the potential of being something more, other unique behavioral quirks are simply how they’re built.
A variety of dog breeds are deeply fascinated by the surrounding smells and tastes in their vicinity. Your adventurous pups tend to be explorers of their senses in many ways. This sought-after tasting platter includes licking a human’s face or licking the ear to sample it.
In the same way, there are some smells dogs hate. If you ever come across your dog rolling in the grass after a bath, this could be a potential identifier that your canine favors the scent of the wild in his fur.
Interesting Fact: While tail wagging is often seen as a cute way for dogs to show affection, this is also a method of spreading their scent around for other canines to sniff and enjoy. So dogs have tails for more reasons than you may think.
As all newbies and veteran dog owners know, sometimes it can feel like your pet doesn’t like you. This could be due to banishing the ratty remains of toys or simply uttering the word ‘bath’; dogs have a way of making you feel like you’ve done them a great injustice.
While many might feel like their relationship with their barking buddies is tarnished, there are a variety of behavioral cues to look out for that could show the spark of forgiveness. A playful dog wink or even a tentative doggy hand lick can often be seen as a clear indication that your dog cares for you.
Other typical dog traits and behaviors have a way of tugging at our heartstrings and for good reason. Dogs have a unique way of expressing their love and affection to their human counterparts.
If your dog seems to enjoy your company (sometimes beyond your own degree of comfort), this can be seen as a sign of true companionship and love. From following you into the bathroom to crushing your organs by laying on your body, their affection can hurt in the most wonderful ways.
One surefire way to activate your maternal instinct is by noticing your pet is feeling stressed or suffering from anxiety. While you can try and comfort your petrified pup as best you can, it’s essential to take note of their behavioral changes to alleviate the cause in any way.
From seemingly barking at nothing or a simple insistence on licking their paws, there are a wide variety of tell-tale signs to provide insight into their anxiety levels. Some anxiety symptoms, which include behaviors such as licking their noses, are harder to pinpoint.
While your pet choosing to lie on your feet can be identified as a sign of affection, it could also be a behavioral change that indicates anxiety. This theory can also be attributed to when your dog follows you everywhere.
So, how would you know when your dog’s behavior becomes a red flag? Firstly, you know your dog, which makes you the best person to indicate whether it’s a rapid change from their normal behavior. If you’re concerned, you can always make a trip to your local veterinarian for a second opinion.
Health Issues
While little things, such as your dog rubbing its face on the ground, could be seen as a temporary pesky itch, it could be indicative of something bigger. Whether it’s an allergic reaction to teething problems, a considerable variance of seemingly ‘common behavior’ has the potential of being a warning sign for health problems.
If you’ve experienced a number of changes in your canine’s behavior, it’s advisable to consult a professional in case of emergencies. These ongoing symptoms can potentially include seemingly harmless behavior such as licking their lips or sticking their tongue out.
These behaviors are usually caused by common occurrences, such as dehydration or nausea, but a vet visit can express a better insight into your dog’s well-being.
The Mystery of Dogs Explained
With four paws, a wagging tail, and a keen eye for causing chaos – dogs can often be hard to understand and grasp. From your dog’s undying love for sticks to their fear of vacuum cleaners, these energetic enigmas can be portrayed as aliens in cute furry suits.
Much like snowflakes, every furry friend is different and special in its own way. This, however, can be difficult to navigate in new and unknown scenarios your pups haven’t experienced before. From traveling with your dog to introducing your dog to a Maine Coon, perusing a few pointers is the perfect way to ensure a safe and comfortable transition period.
It’s a truth universally acknowledged (amongst dog owners, at any rate) that your furry friend loves to lick you. From giant slurps to quick licks and slobbery kisses to nose boops, it’s hard to resist this particular form of affection. Whether they lick you on your feet, your hand, or even your face, you’d be …
Sometimes your dog’s excessive barking will frustrate you when it seems like it is doing it for no reason. There are a lot of assumptions by so-called experts as to why dogs can’t stop this strange behavior. Why do dogs bark at nothing? Some trainers believe it’s your pet’s way of getting your attention, while others …
It’s frustrating when you need time alone after a long day at work, but your dog follows you everywhere you go. This includes even the bathroom, which is supposed to be your sanctuary for privacy. But why do dogs follow you into the bathroom? Since they can’t communicate as humans do, we can’t know for sure, …
It’s too adorable when dogs mimic human behavior. We love to see them giving high-fives, wearing big grins, or even giving us a cheeky wink. But why do dogs wink? It might be a cute trick you’ve trained your clever friend to do, or perhaps they do it of their own accord. In either case, …
‘He put his foot in his mouth again’, can be a common joke among friends and family when one has said something a little embarrassing. But what does it mean when your dog does the same thing – literally? Is there reason to be concerned? Why do dogs chew on their feet? In this guide, …
Watching your pup lick their paws can be a very cute sight to behold. Most of the time, this light afternoon licking is totally harmless and to be expected. The problem comes in when this modest tongue-lapping becomes excessive or consistent. In this case, there could be underlying reasons why your dog is licking or chewing its …
Sometimes it can be endearing and other times it can get on your nerves. Either way, the age-old question of ‘“why does my dog follow me everywhere?” is a tricky one to answer. This article lists some of the possible reasons why your canine companions insist on following you around. While plain animal instinct and …
For those of you who like long walks on the beach and are real ‘dog people’ – you might adore the wet kisses and cuddles from your dog. Some may consider moments like this, ones they look forward to the most. But why do dogs lie so close to you? And what drives them to …
Sometimes it can be endearing and other times it can get on your nerves. Either way, the age-old question of ‘“why does my dog follow me everywhere?” is a tricky one to answer. This article lists some of the possible reasons why your canine companions insist on following you around. While plain animal instinct and …
A dog’s sense of smell ranges between 10 000 to 100 000 times more precise than humans. There are several smells dogs love, like the smell of a grilled steak or a fellow furry companion. Dogs also love the comforting smell of their owners. There are many smells that dogs love, but what about smells …
Dogs are the friendliest pets and share a strong bond with their owner. If you own a dog, you might have experienced your dog refusing to leave your side, laying by your feet, and even pawing at you. These cute behaviors are indeed adorable, but there are specific reasons behind their actions. So why do …
Dogs are known to be man’s best friend because they differ from cats when showing love and affection. However, other factors determine whether your dog showers you with cuddles. It also depends on their breed, former experiences, and how they are trained to interact with humans. Buy why doesn’t my dog like me? Most dogs enjoy being …
Did you know that Poodles are one of the most intelligent breeds in the world? Well, there’s more to these cute fluffy pups worth knowing, especially if you’re considering getting one. And if you already own a pet Poodle, then these interesting facts about Poodles will surely entertain you. Interesting Facts About Poodles Poodles are …
It’s such a wonderful feeling to arrive home and be greeted by your dog happily wagging its tail. Whether your best friend has a fluffy, thin, or short tail, seeing them wiggling about can always put a smile on your face. But have you ever stopped to wonder why do dogs have tails? Making dog …
The internet loves a video of a dog with their tongue sticking out. It’s cute, it’s quirky, and it gives your pet a fun personality online. They may look a little goofy, but chances are they’re not doing it to give you a laugh. Why do dogs stick their tongue out? There are a couple …
A panting dog is quite normal. Unlike humans, dogs don’t have sweat glands and instead sweat through their paws and nose or pant to regulate their body heat. Panting is especially typical on a hot day after they’ve been playing outside. But, if you may be wondering: why is your dog panting and restless at …
Head shaking, ears flapping, collar jangling — you probably see your dog doing this at least once a day. But is there any reason for this behavior? Or should you be concerned? Why do dogs shake their heads? Rest assured that head shaking is a common behavior that all dogs do on the regular. While …
You may have wondered why pups lie on you or why dogs lick their noses but have you ever wondered why does a dog lick your face? While this can be an endearing display for some pet owners, others may be wondering what the reasons behind it could be. Our pups usually show undying love …
Forming a bond with your dog is one of the most rewarding experiences that comes with unforgettable moments and happiness. But like all relationships, not every day is blissful, especially when your dog displays frustrating habits. For example, when your canine follows its tail for long periods and barks at sounds only it can hear, …
Dogs can be funny creatures. Their behavior is designed to confound us or at least make us laugh. One of those behaviors is the seemingly random act of rolling over on its back and wiggling. Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? It’s as if they have an itch to scratch, and sometimes, this …
Your dog may be your best friend, but sometimes they do really strange things. You’ve probably seen it many times: Your dog spots a patch of grass, immediately flops down on his back, and starts wiggling around. Rolling on the grass certainly isn’t considered standard human behavior, but it is actually quite a normal thing …
Dogs communicate in a number of ways, including barking, licking their paws, whining, and more. They are very vocal companions and one of the many ways they communicate audibly is through whining. Why is my dog whining so much all of a sudden? There can be many different reasons for these moans, most of which are …
For those of you who like long walks on the beach and are real ‘dog people’ – you might adore the wet kisses and cuddles from your dog. Some may consider moments like this, ones they look forward to the most. But why do dogs lie so close to you? And what drives them to …
Many dogs enjoy a worry-free life with people who love and care for their needs. They have a set eating schedule, sleep whenever they feel tired, receive unlimited hugs from their dog owners, and are loved no matter what they do. Most of their day is spent sleeping because 12 to 15 hours sleep is …
If you have a pet, you likely already have a water bowl, but do you know the significance of water and how it plays an important part in the life processes of a dog’s body? Dogs must always have access to water, especially if your furry friend spends extended periods of time alone at home …
Where people mainly use their sense of sight to explore the world, dogs mostly use their sense of smell. Therefore, a dog’s nose is very important. They have 50 times more smell receptors than a human. This allows them to smell up to 100 000 times better than any human ever could. Dog owners know …
Watching your pup lick their paws can be a very cute sight to behold. Most of the time, this light afternoon licking is totally harmless and to be expected. The problem comes in when this modest tongue-lapping becomes excessive or consistent. In this case, there could be underlying reasons why your dog is licking or chewing its …
You’re sitting in your home, doing your own thing, when suddenly you feel a gentle weight press on your leg. You look down to see your precious floof’s paw resting on your lap. Sound familiar? Why does my dog put his paw on me? While most of us find this pawing behavior adorable, you may have …
Like most of our best friends, dogs are superb companions and have lovable quirks. Among them is the habit of sometimes wanting to rub their faces on the ground, whether it be grass, the lounge carpet, or your favorite garden patch at home. Remember, we’re not talking about dogs merely rolling in the grass here. …
You’re sitting in your home, doing your own thing, when suddenly you feel a gentle weight press on your leg. You look down to see your precious floof’s paw resting on your lap. Sound familiar? Why does my dog put his paw on me? While most of us find this pawing behavior adorable, you may have …
Lip licking is a fairly common habit among dogs. It can be endearing to watch, but it’s also an action that can come across as slightly weird and concerning for dog parents who don’t understand why their dog does it in the first place. But why does my dog keep licking its lips? Lip …
Like most of our best friends, dogs are superb companions and have lovable quirks. Among them is the habit of sometimes wanting to rub their faces on the ground, whether it be grass, the lounge carpet, or your favorite garden patch at home. Remember, we’re not talking about dogs merely rolling in the grass here. …
Dogs can be funny creatures. Their behavior is designed to confound us or at least make us laugh. One of those behaviors is the seemingly random act of rolling over on its back and wiggling. Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? It’s as if they have an itch to scratch, and sometimes, this …
Forming a bond with your dog is one of the most rewarding experiences that comes with unforgettable moments and happiness. But like all relationships, not every day is blissful, especially when your dog displays frustrating habits. For example, when your canine follows its tail for long periods and barks at sounds only it can hear, …
Sometimes your dog’s excessive barking will frustrate you when it seems like it is doing it for no reason. There are a lot of assumptions by so-called experts as to why dogs can’t stop this strange behavior. Why do dogs bark at nothing? Some trainers believe it’s your pet’s way of getting your attention, while others …
It’s frustrating when you need time alone after a long day at work, but your dog follows you everywhere you go. This includes even the bathroom, which is supposed to be your sanctuary for privacy. But why do dogs follow you into the bathroom? Since they can’t communicate as humans do, we can’t know for sure, …
Dogs are known to be man’s best friend because they differ from cats when showing love and affection. However, other factors determine whether your dog showers you with cuddles. It also depends on their breed, former experiences, and how they are trained to interact with humans. Buy why doesn’t my dog like me? Most dogs enjoy being …
Dogs are the friendliest pets and share a strong bond with their owner. If you own a dog, you might have experienced your dog refusing to leave your side, laying by your feet, and even pawing at you. These cute behaviors are indeed adorable, but there are specific reasons behind their actions. So why do …
Known as the “dogs of the cat world,” Maine coon cats are a type of breed known for their friendly and gentle demeanor. They’re one of the biggest domestic cat breeds and have large, sturdy bodies. They can weigh between 8 and 18 lbs, and their height ranges from 10 to 16 inches tall. And …
Photo by Anastasia Petrova on Unsplash You’ve probably heard that travelling with a pet is one of the most stressful things. And you may think that you have to leave your pup at home with friends, family, or at a pet hotel while you’re travelling. But, travelling with your furry friend is possible, and I’ve …
It’s a truth universally acknowledged (amongst dog owners, at any rate) that your furry friend loves to lick you. From giant slurps to quick licks and slobbery kisses to nose boops, it’s hard to resist this particular form of affection. Whether they lick you on your feet, your hand, or even your face, you’d be …
It’s too adorable when dogs mimic human behavior. We love to see them giving high-fives, wearing big grins, or even giving us a cheeky wink. But why do dogs wink? It might be a cute trick you’ve trained your clever friend to do, or perhaps they do it of their own accord. In either case, …
It’s a tale as old as time: taking your dog for a walk and throwing a stick for them. For all that it doesn’t really make any sense, it’s irresistible to see your pet overcome with a tail wagging furiously and a grin to match their excitement. And all that for a thin piece of …
The internet loves a video of a dog with their tongue sticking out. It’s cute, it’s quirky, and it gives your pet a fun personality online. They may look a little goofy, but chances are they’re not doing it to give you a laugh. Why do dogs stick their tongue out? There are a couple …
You may have wondered why pups lie on you or why dogs lick their noses but have you ever wondered why does a dog lick your face? While this can be an endearing display for some pet owners, others may be wondering what the reasons behind it could be. Our pups usually show undying love …
It’s such a wonderful feeling to arrive home and be greeted by your dog happily wagging its tail. Whether your best friend has a fluffy, thin, or short tail, seeing them wiggling about can always put a smile on your face. But have you ever stopped to wonder why do dogs have tails? Making dog …
Your dog may be your best friend, but sometimes they do really strange things. You’ve probably seen it many times: Your dog spots a patch of grass, immediately flops down on his back, and starts wiggling around. Rolling on the grass certainly isn’t considered standard human behavior, but it is actually quite a normal thing …
‘He put his foot in his mouth again’, can be a common joke among friends and family when one has said something a little embarrassing. But what does it mean when your dog does the same thing – literally? Is there reason to be concerned? Why do dogs chew on their feet? In this guide, …
They say a dog with a wet nose is a happy dog. Anyone who has ever met a happy pooch knows that a pup’s excited nose licking means good feelings all around. So why do dogs lick their noses? In many cases, it’s a positive sign, but there are also those instances where you may …
When you adopt a puppy, you can expect to have your hands and face licked a lot. It’s just what they do, and it’s usually accompanied by lots of tail wagging, excitable yelping, and even playful nipping. But why does my dog lick my hands? First, the good news is that if a dog is …
For those of you who like long walks on the beach and are real ‘dog people’ – you might adore the wet kisses and cuddles from your dog. Some may consider moments like this, ones they look forward to the most. But why do dogs lie so close to you? And what drives them to …
Sometimes it can be endearing and other times it can get on your nerves. Either way, the age-old question of ‘“why does my dog follow me everywhere?” is a tricky one to answer. This article lists some of the possible reasons why your canine companions insist on following you around. While plain animal instinct and …
A dog’s sense of smell ranges between 10 000 to 100 000 times more precise than humans. There are several smells dogs love, like the smell of a grilled steak or a fellow furry companion. Dogs also love the comforting smell of their owners. There are many smells that dogs love, but what about smells …
Watching your pup lick their paws can be a very cute sight to behold. Most of the time, this light afternoon licking is totally harmless and to be expected. The problem comes in when this modest tongue-lapping becomes excessive or consistent. In this case, there could be underlying reasons why your dog is licking or chewing its …