The Shorkie possess an unwavering loyalty to their family which means they are always alert and watchful. This means that these pups make for excellent watchdogs.
They have an undercoat that feels like fleece, while their top layer is soft, silky, and flowy. A Shorkie puppy is a small dog with a medium-length coat.
As they are designer breeds, Shorkies can come in a range of colors. Including black and tan, brown and white, gold, and black & white.
The predicted weight for a male Shorkie can range between 5-12 pounds (2-5kg) when fully matured. The fully matured female Shorkie size and weight can range between 4-8 pounds (1-3kg).
Depending on how fast its hair grows, get your Shorkie pup groomed at least every 4 to 6 weeks and regularly clipped every eight weeks.