Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me? 7 Reasons Story


Reasons Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me

Image by Blue Bird on Pexels 

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You’re sitting in your home, doing your own thing, when suddenly you feel a gentle weight press on your leg. You look down to see your precious floof’s paw resting on your lap. Sound familiar?

Image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels 

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Let’s look at all the different things your dog may be trying to say, and you’ll become a paw communication expert in no time!

Image by Ivan Babydov on Pexels 

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Seeking Attention

If you’ve been busy and haven’t given your dog a lot of pets or playtime, a well-placed paw may be its way of asking for your attention.


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Asking for Food

If your pet places a paw on you and stares you down, check the time to see if doggo may be asking for dinner.


Image by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels 

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Need to Go Outside

Your pooch may want to go outside and play. If you feel a paw on your leg and look down to see that your pup brought its favorite toy along, it’s clearly asking for playtime.

Image by Zen Chung on Pexels 

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Feeling Sick or in Pain 

If your dog isn’t feeling well or has hurt itself, it may place a paw on you to ask for help.

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Feeling Anxious

Your pet could be feeling anxious about a new environment, loud noises like thunder, or if you’re about to leave them alone.

Image by Blue Bird on Pexels 

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Image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels 

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