Why Does My Dog Drool Around Puppies? 5 Reasons Story


Reasons Why Does My Dog Drool Around Puppies

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Fido doesn’t consider your new addition a squeaky snack, but dogs do get strong feelings about changes in their household. But why does my dog drool around puppies?

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Take a list of these common reasons why dogs drool around puppies to find the answer you’re looking for.

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Your Dog is Stressed

Meeting a new puppy is quite an event for a dog that already lives in your house. It can be confusing and scary for them, and their anxiety might kick in the hyperactivate drooling process.


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Your Dog is Excited

Hey, stress and excitement are almost identical in a physiological sense. The heart beats faster, breathing hastens, and the body is ready for action. Friendly doggos that tend to be affectionate might get excited to meet a new puppy.


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They Might Be Jealous

Jealousy is a strong emotion similar to stress that your furry friend can experience, and when they do, they might drool much more than usual.

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Their Sex Drive is Being Activated

You wouldn’t think a puppy can kickstart a sex-driven reaction, but pheromones don’t lie. If your pup is old enough to start becoming sexually mature or is already in heat, it’s rare but possible.

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They’re Experiencing a Medical Issue

However unlikely it is, coincidences can still happen. It may just be that your furry friend begins to display symptoms of an underlying issue around the same time they meet a new puppy.

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