Labrador Retriever versus Golden Retriever: Which Breed is Right for You?
Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are two of the most popular breeds in the world.
Many owners insist that these are among the most beautiful dog breeds in the world – in terms of look and personality. Let’s take a look at these two breeds and their distinct differences.
Isn’t a Golden retriever Just One Type of Labrador?
No, although some might argue that the only difference is the long hair. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
What Are the Differences Between a Labrador Retriever versus Golden Retriever?
In many respects, the differences start at the beginning, so to speak, with the breeds’ origins and history.
There are Further Differences Between English Labradors and American Labradors
In summary, the English version of the dog is essentially bred from show stock, making it stockier.
Personality Profiles
They are known for being easy-going, very fun-loving, and very welcoming of people, kids, and even other pets.
Differences in Appearance, Color, and Coat
Labs and Goldens are both classified as medium-sized dogs.
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