Salukis are fast and can chase down many animals that humans cannot. They have silky, soft coats, large ears, and long legs.
The beautiful, fluffy white face of a Samoyed, is truly hard to resist. Its thick layered coat was designed to insulate it from the harsh Siberian winters.
The colors of the sheltie make it distinctive, too. Shades of sable, red, black, and blue combine to wonderful effect. This is a breed that will also herd everything – your children and other pets included.
Related to the Akita Inu, Shiba is another Asian dog breed derived from the spitz. Shibas convey a strong personality with their posture. Their short but pointy ears, bushy tail, and strong build made it suitable for tough terrain hunting.
Few dogs are spoken of with more admiration than the majestic Siberian Husky. Their thick fur, beautiful eyes, and strong build have given the husky an air of superiority over the years.