Photo by Angelos Michalopoulos on Unsplash
Photo by Kanashi on Unsplash
Image sourced from Canva
The American Hairless Terrier is a bald dog breed with a loving personality that will make your life worth living. They usually weigh between 12 and 16 pounds and can reach heights up to 16 inches.
Photo on Pxhere
These fluffy pups are incredibly spirited dogs who love learning new things and playing with humans. They usually weigh between 15 and 20 pounds and can reach about 11 inches tall.
Photo on Pxhere
The Bichon Frise, or Curly Lapdog, is a ball of fluff that parades itself as a dog. These adorable babies weigh between 12 and 18 pounds and can grow around 11 inches tall, although most of their mass is their fur.
Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash
They’re super sweet pups, though, despite their unimpressed appearance. Griffs can weigh between seven and 12 pounds and reach heights of only eight inches.
Photo by Abbie Love on Unsplash
If you’re looking for a mild-mannered pup that loves to comfort you, look no further than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These pups weigh between 13 and 18 pounds and can grow up to 13 inches tall.
Photo by Izabelly Marques on Unsplash
Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash
Photo by Kanashi on Unsplash