Image from Alotrobo on Pexels
Image from David Brown on Pexels
Image from Travis Saagi on Pexels
Labrador Retrievers are even-tempered, gentle, and friendly. They’re hard-wired with a strong desire to please their owners, which makes them easy to train.
Image from Markus Distelrath on Pexels
Golden Retrievers are loyal, friendly, and have a patient demeanor. They are one of the most popular dog breeds because of their gentle nature, which means they do well with all ages and family sizes.
Image from Svetozar Milashevich on Pexels
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are one of the best-behaved dog breeds. Their temperament is sweet, affectionate, and playful.
Image from Lauren Bate on Pexels
It’s no wonder that the former Queen of England loved Corgis so much. These small dogs are an easy-going, happy, and playful breed.
Image from Antoni Shkraba on Pexels
They’re very lovey-dovey and people-pleasing. Poodles want nothing more than to be around you 24/7.
Image from Sean McSeveney on Pexels
Image from chepté cormani on Pexels
Image from Chris Shafer on Pexels