White Big Fluffy Dog Breeds

When it comes to white big fluffy dog breeds, there are a few that are teddy-bear-like and others that are made to work.

What breed you choose ultimately depends on what you want from one of these fur balls.

Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog

These gentle giants are extremely loyal and friendly, with their coats making them better suited to colder climates.



The Samoyed originated in Siberia where they have been used in the cold and snowy conditions to hunt and pull heavy loads.




The Kuvasz was bred in Hungary and was originally used to protect farmer’s livestock from wolves. Their bright white coat normally helps the farmers in differentiating them from predators.


Standard Poodle

Although they have been crossbred over the years with other dogs, the Standard Poodle breed is a big fluffy dog that makes an amazing family pet.


Slovensky Cuvac

With an almost puppy-like temperament and plenty of energy to go along with it, the Cuvac is another breed that was bred for the purpose of guarding flocks.

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