Image from Georg_Wietschorke on Pixabay
Image from AnjaGh on Pixabay
Image from alektas on Pixabay
They were originally bred as hunting dogs; they would chase hares, deer, and foxes. They can maintain a speed of around 35 mph for as far as seven miles.
Image from luca Finardi on Pexels
Salukis can sprint up to 42 mph. They prefer shorter distances rather than long ones, though. When fully grown, they can keep a fast pace for two to three miles.
Image from elisabettabellomi on Pixabay
These sighthound dogs have lean bodies and are very fast runners: they are able to reach speeds up to 42 mph.
Image from taleksandar on Pixabay
Their lean body can travel at speeds of up to 40 mph. But, despite their high energy levels, they are gentle-natured and are well-suited for families with children.
Image from boldogsag on Pixabay
Underneath their smooth coat, they have muscular and athletic bodies that allow them to reach speeds up to 40 mph.
Image from PeterKaul on Pixabay
Image from RebeccasPictures on Pixabay
Image from alektas on Pixabay