Potential Reasons Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws

Watching your pup lick their paws can be a very cute sight to behold. Most of the time, this light afternoon licking is totally harmless and to be expected.

So whilst paw licking is a totally normal self-grooming action across all dog breeds, it can also be indicative of a bigger root problem. Therefore, it’s handy to know all the possibilities in order to best care for your fur baby.

Why do Dogs Lick Their Paws? Normal Reasons

1. To Communicate – Sort Of 2. Grooming

Worrisome Reasons for Paw Licking


If your pup’s licking starts suddenly and is focused on one specific paw, it could indicate an injury. In this case, examine the targeted paw for any obstructions like thorns, stones or pesky grass seeds stuck between their toes or paw pads.

Claw Problems

A very viable reason your pup may be going at their paw could be that their claws are causing them problems. The same rules apply; do a thorough inspection of their paw, checking each claw carefully, including the de claw.

Pain or Discomfort

Our canine friends often lick as a form of soothing. This means that your pup may be licking its paw because it feels pain, even if the pain is elsewhere in the body.

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