As far as adorable dogs go, the Pomapoo is right up there with the best ones. This toy breed, known as a “teddy bear dog,” is a designer dog resulting from a Poodle and Pomeranian mix. As with all designer dogs, breeders hoped to get the best of both worlds into one canine.
Pomapoos are getting more popular thanks to their sweet temperament and being one of the most beautiful dog breeds. With all these endearing qualities that will have you gushing at them endlessly, it’s easy to see why a Pomapoo would be a great addition to your family.
But wait, before deciding to get the adorable furball, there are some things you need to know first. Their personalities, diet, training and activity needs, and grooming demands are just some things to consider. You’ll also find out if you’re the right human for the breed.
This will help you tell if you and the Pomapoo breed are compatible and whether you can give them the life they ultimately deserve.

- 1 13 Things to Know about the Pomapoo Dog
- 1.1 1. Pomapoo Origin
- 1.2 2. Pomapoo Appearance
- 1.3 3. Pomapoo Temperament
- 1.4 4. Diet
- 1.5 5. Pomapoo Health Concerns
- 1.6 6. Training, Exercise, and Activity Levels
- 1.7 7. Pomapoos Do Well With Other Pets
- 1.8 8. The Ideal Environment for a Pomapoo
- 1.9 9. A Pomapoo’s Ideal Human or Family
- 1.10 10. Grooming Needs
- 1.11 11. The Breed Can Be A Low or Moderate Shedder
- 1.12 12. Getting a Pomapoo
- 1.13 13. They’re Great for First-Time Dog Owners
- 2 Final Thoughts on The Pomapoo Breed
13 Things to Know about the Pomapoo Dog
1. Pomapoo Origin
As stated above, the Pomapoo is a designer dog that comes from two different dogs. Its parent breeds are the Pomeranian and the Toy Poodle, which you may be able to tell from just looking at it. While it’s popularly known as the “Pomapoo,” it goes by Pooranian, Pomedroodle, Pompodoo and Pompoo.
The world-renowned Poodle is a German breed that was used by hunters as a breed that retrieved prey in the water. Thanks to their intelligence, they stand today as one of the best pets and make for great show dogs. As for the Toy Poodle, they’re just a poodle that has been bred to be smaller than the Standard Poodle.
Pomeranians, the smallest member of the Spitz family of dogs, have been around for centuries. They were bred from sled breeds and originate from a region in Europe that shares the same name.
The goal was to make a lap dog with sled canines’ dependable and loving nature, just in a more petite body.
Breeders mixed the two breeds to design a brand new canine that inherited the best traits of both. There’s even been multi-generational breeding between Pomapoo and Pomapoo with differing characteristics.
To get an “original,” you should get a Pomeranian mixed with a Poodle in the first generation.
2. Pomapoo Appearance
Despite inheriting genes from the Pomeranian and Poodle that have distinctly consistent looks, Pomapoos can vary in appearance. This means if you felt envious after gushing over someone else’s Pomapoo, don’t be too sure you’ll get the same result. The only consistency with this breed is that their hair is short or medium-length.
Pomapoo hair can either be straight and silky like a Pomeranian or curly like a Poodle. Another difference is the hair color, which can be white, black, brown, red, fawn, or a mixture of the colors – although this is slightly more predictable when looking at the parents.
While this breed is typically tiny, its size does differ from dog to dog. Some Pomapoos may be smaller or larger than others, depending on the parents, of course. Pomeranians are usually smaller than Toy Poodles, and the dominating gene plays a role in size.
Still, there’s an average ballpark that you can expect the size of your Pomapoo to be around. The breed normally comes in between 8 to 12 inches in height, with males being a bit taller than females. They can weigh anything between 5 and 14 pounds.
3. Pomapoo Temperament
As with appearance, a Pomapoo’s temperament will vary based on their gene makeup and their parents’ personalities. Poodles are outgoing and friendly dogs, while Pomeranians are the more reserved breed of the two. Despite these differences, both canines are known for being affectionate towards their family.
Usually, Pomapoos also have these positive traits that make them endearing even to strangers. They’re generally friendly and affectionate dogs that love nothing more than being around their humans. The perfect pup is one that is dab smack in the middle, as in they aren’t too aggressive or too shy.
The average Pomapoo is clever, curious, loves being the center of attention, and is always eager to impress. On the flipside, Pomeranians have a lot of sass packed into their small body and Pomapoos can inherit this trait.
Even with the luck of the gene lottery not going your way, you can get your Pomapoo to have the great personality they usually display. Proper socialization and training at a young age (before they’re four months old) play a huge role in ensuring that happens.
If you want to avoid all this extra work, it’s always great to meet the mother, who’s usually the most significant influence on behavior.
4. Diet
When it comes to caring for your furry friend, there’s perhaps nothing more important than knowing their ideal diet. Being aware of what food is best for your dog and how much they should eat is essential to avoid obesity or malnourishment.
As small dogs, an ideal diet should consist exclusively of food made for small dog breeds. Small-breed formulas are nutrient-rich, which is important for Pomapoos as their stomachs are smaller than medium or large dogs.
It’s best to feed your furry friend food that is appropriate for their age and development. And while there isn’t a set number, it’s ideal to have a feeding schedule that sees your Pomapoo eat two to three meals a day. Give them the meals at different times throughout the day.
Either follow the food manufacturer’s instructions or adopt a good feeding schedule based on your Pomapoo’s activity levels, and you’ll be set. It helps avoid free-feeding, which can lead to obesity as they seem to eat until they can’t anymore.
While the above is a good set of recommendations, it’s best to discuss all dietary requirements with your veterinarian, as they know best. After all, every dog is different and will have varying needs.
5. Pomapoo Health Concerns
Pomapoos are generally healthy dogs that don’t face some of the concerns that some breeds face. This is thanks to the fact that the Poodle and Pomeranians are also usually healthy. They don’t have any breed-specific health issues to pass on to the Pomapoo breed.
However, they can still suffer from general conditions that almost all dogs face. These include patellar luxation, cataracts, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, dental issues, tracheal collapse, and weight issues.
This is why it’s important to get your dog from a reputable breeder who uses best practices.
Before bringing the Pomapoo home, whether it’s through adoption or breeding, it’s a good idea to get them screened for any pre-disposed health issues. This will help you be prepared for minor or major problems that you’ll encounter while caring for the cute furball.
If they have any health concerns, frequent check-ups at the vet, an ideal diet, and proper exercise are great ways to combat the problems. Some issues can be solved by surgery, which can be expensive.
Despite this, the average Pomapoo can live a long life spent around you. The average lifespan of a Pomapoo is between 12 and 15 years, which they can reach when taken care of properly.
6. Training, Exercise, and Activity Levels
Trainability is one of the most important things to consider before getting a puppy. Some dogs are stubborn while others are docile, which can make or break the relationship between dogs and humans.
Thanks to their eagerness to please and their intelligence, Pomapoos are easy to train. Their inherited traits of the poodle’s whip-smartness and the pomeranian’s cleverness help here, and they’ll quickly grasp anything they learn.
They respond best to positive reinforcement training, which involves rewarding them with tasty dog treats for good behavior.
Despite their typical traits, they can develop a stubbornness that makes it hard to train them. This is inherited from the Pomeranian, who can have a bit of an independent streak. You’ll also need to train and socialize them early to avoid Small Dog Syndrome.
As far as exercise and required activity go, Pomapoos are active dogs thanks to the Poodle breed’s history as working dogs. Despite their energy, they don’t need too much exercise to be happy and healthy. A short stroll through the park or playtime at home is good enough for them to expend their energy.
If you don’t give them the required exercise, they can be destructive. You can use some of the best dog toys to keep them busy when you have a lot on your plate.
Ensure the exercise sessions don’t last too long as they can develop an unpleasant cough from tracheal collapse.
7. Pomapoos Do Well With Other Pets
Getting your new pup to gel with your older dogs or kitty is every pet owner’s dream. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen all the time because some dogs are naturally territorial, and some can develop jealousy.
Luckily, this won’t be an issue with the Pomeranian and Poodle mix that gets along with almost any pet. Thanks to their friendly nature, they’ll seamlessly fit into their new family – given, of course, that everyone welcomes them nicely. If your pet at home is also friendly, they’ll be good friends in a very short space of time.
The only exception here would be larger dogs, even if they’re friendly. Pomapoos are small dogs that have a delicate frame which larger breeds can unintentionally harm when playing. This is why it’s essential to keep an eye on both furballs to ensure their interaction is safe for both.
Even if your pets are getting along just fine in the first few weeks, always watch with a keen eye so you can identify any behavioral changes early. Also, the Poodle was originally bred for retrieving small prey in the water.
This means you need to be wary of leaving your smaller pets like hamsters alone with the Pomapoo for too long as their parent’s instincts may just kick in.
8. The Ideal Environment for a Pomapoo
While dogs can live just about anywhere, it’s important to note that some breeds need specific environments to thrive. This means it’s important to consider your environment before bringing a puppy home so you can be sure they’ll be as happy as possible.
Being a small breed, Pomapoos are perfect for anyone with a small space like an apartment or a rental in the city. They also aren’t big barkers, so your neighbors won’t be ringing at your door with noise complaints every night. Another plus is that they don’t require too much exercise and won’t need large spaces.
The breed will be equally happy in a massive house or countryside place with a large yard as an adaptable dog. This affords them the chance to run freely around the space, expending the energy they have.
Despite Pomeranians being relatives of sled dogs and Poodles loving the water, Pomapoos don’t do well in cold weather. Their short to medium coats won’t be good at preventing the cold from affecting them.
9. A Pomapoo’s Ideal Human or Family
As we have dogs that we wouldn’t consider getting due to their personality, canines should be afforded the same opportunity. While they can’t choose their humans, we can effectively choose for them. Knowing a breed’s traits is essential for knowing whether you’re an excellent fit for them.
Pomapoos are considered velcro dogs, as in they love sticking to their owner like glue. This means the ideal human for them has to be as affectionate as they are.
They also require moderate exercise and activity, so you can’t really be a couch potato if you want a Pomapoo. However, they can still do well with owners who aren’t really mobile, as a game of fetch down the hallway should suffice.
They’re an excellent match for nearly all owners, from seniors to families with kids, as they’re affectionate and playful. Just be sure that your children aren’t too rough with the tiny dog since their frame is delicate. If you know your child isn’t gentle, you’re recommended to steer clear of the breed for their safety.
Being compact dogs, you can easily take your Pomapoo with you on a dog carrier, so they aren’t left behind when you’re out running errands. This is a great way to ensure your doggo doesn’t get sad from missing you or develop separation anxiety.
10. Grooming Needs
If you know of the parent breed’s grooming needs, you should expect grooming to be demanding with Pomapoos. Both the Poodle and Pomeranian require frequent brushing to prevent the matting of the coat.
Likewise, the Pomapoo needs the same care provided to it, which can be done using a great brush. You’ll have to brush them daily, making this a great bonding session too. If you’re finding the task to be a little tedious or you can’t do it properly, you can always take your furry friend to a professional groomer – although this can be expensive.
As with other dog breeds, Pomapoos need their teeth brushed and their nails taken care of. Brush their teeth every few days to keep them spotless and their breath fresh.
Long nails can hurt your dog when they walk, so clip them as soon as they seem uncomfortable or have grown too big. Using a nail clipper should help in that regard.
How often you bathe your Pomapoo will depend on their activity and how dirty they get. Generally though, showering them once every couple of months is a good idea. Just make sure you use a great shampoo and conditioner so their coat looks pristine and they’re spotless.
11. The Breed Can Be A Low or Moderate Shedder
As the product of Poodles and Pomeranians, the breed can either be a low or moderate shedder. Just like behavior and appearance, this physical trait will also depend on the dog’s genetic makeup.
Poodles are one of the dogs that don’t shed, which is one of the reasons they’re so popular amongst dog lovers. On the other hand, Pomeranians are a moderate shedding breed that will leave a bit of hair wherever they go. This means you should be prepared for both, or you can let your breeder know you want a low-shedding pooch.
One thing to note, though, is that a non-shedding or low-shedding dog isn’t hypoallergenic at all. In fact, no dog is hypoallergenic; some are just more tolerable than others – with a low-shedding Pomapoo a potential candidate. This is because the protein that triggers allergic reactions can be found on a dog’s skin, hair, urine, and saliva.
If you aren’t suffering from any allergies, then the dog is perfectly safe for you. Their shedding ways can also be easily dealt with. Clean up fur from just about anywhere with a vacuum cleaner.
12. Getting a Pomapoo
If you’re set on getting a Pomapoo, you can do so in several ways. You can either purchase one from a breeder, pet store or adopt one from a shelter or rescue group.
When purchasing from a breeder, you can nearly control all aspects of how your Pomapoo will turn out. This includes their appearance and personality. You can also influence their health by choosing only the healthiest parents for your furball.
Despite being designer dogs, the breed isn’t costly. Puppies are sold between $400 and $1800, and older Pomapoos are even cheaper.
The best part about adopting is that you’re giving a loving dog a new home and owner that will make them happy. Plus, you often get them at an incredibly cheap ask or even for free.
The only downside to this is that you may get a dog with some undesirable traits due to poor training and socialization. Sometimes the shelter would know about these problems, and sometimes they may not. This may make the integration phase a lot more difficult than with a dog purchased from a breeder.
Don’t fret though, there have been many dogs with endearing qualities found in shelters, and you’re very likely to find one yourself.
13. They’re Great for First-Time Dog Owners
If you’ve never owned a dog before, getting your first one can be a bit daunting. Will you be able to take care of the dog? How will it treat you and your family, and how difficult will it be to train the dog? These are just some of the questions many first-time dog owners may find themselves asking.
If you’ve never owned a dog before, don’t worry, the Pomapoo is here for you. Thanks to their affectionate and loyal nature, they’re perfect for first-time dog owners.
Plus, their docile nature and their eagerness to please makes training the Pomapoo easy. You can teach them where to poop, what they can’t do, and have them around family and friends without any worries. Of course, this is given they don’t inherit the Pomeranian’s independent streak.
Further, you can bring in even more dogs into your home once you’re confident in your ability to care for dogs without any concerns. As long as they’re nice, your Pomapoo pooch will welcome them with a smile.
Final Thoughts on The Pomapoo Breed
Pomapoos, a Poodle and Pomeranian mix, are a cute breed that will have you constantly gushing over them. The teddy bear toy dog has many endearing qualities that it inherited from its parents.
And now, having read the above, you should know exactly what makes them such great pets and why they’ve been getting popular. From their affectionate and playful side to their diet, exercise, and grooming needs, you know what to expect.
If you’re the ideal human and have a lot of love to give, a Pomapooo is out there waiting to receive it. Get yours now, and you’re in for years full of fun and cuddles!
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